ArcelorMittal Poland: We're on Facebook. Join us!

Facebook is now the main source of information for many people. It slowly replaces traditional media and serves users daily quick and concise messages. ArcelorMittal Poland invests in innovative production solutions, but also does not forget about modern communication.

We already have a Twitter profile (, LinkedIn profile ( and a YouTube channel. Now following other ArcelorMittal departments, among others in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada and Brazil we have joined Facebook. In the end: who does not have Facebook, it does not exist.

The official fanpage of ArcelorMittal Poland can be found at: We will inform you about our activities, investments and social initiatives. You will also find here a fresh portion of news and curiosities from the steel industry, photos from events that we support or volunteer activities of our employees. Stay tuned to our fanpage, follow the entries and share our informations.

Any employee who has a private Facebook account can like our posts or share them. Remember, however, that according to corporate policy, shared posts should contain the #IworkatArcelorMittal hashtag.

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