Bicycle stands from old stoves - Internet users chose the winning project for Krakow

The online plebiscite settled the results of the competition for a bicycle stand design, which ArcelorMittal Poland will manufacture from steel recovered from old furnaces liquidated by the residents of Krakow. The winning project won 6274 out of 16867 votes cast in the ballot. The plebiscite competition included three final works selected by the jury in the first stage of the competition, to which nearly 200 projects were submitted. Internet users liked the stand made by Jakub Szczygielski - simple, functional and referring to one of the symbols of Krakow - Sukiennice.

Internet users could vote for the project on our website: The main prize in the competition "The Second Life of Old Stoves" is the implementation of the winning bicycle rack design, copies of which will be installed at Krakow's schools and streets. The author of the stand selected by the Internet users will also receive a financial prize in the amount of PLN 3,000.

- I wanted this stand to fit into the urban space of Krakow, and its shape was unique, unparalleled in other cities. I thought that the place that is inherently associated with Krakow is the Sukiennice, and that their architectural detail and finish of the arcades inspired me to propose such a stand form - says Jakub Szczygielski, the author of the winning project.

He emphasizes that he tried to give the stand a shape that will be strongly associated with the Krak Castle, but at the same time it will fulfill its function - it will ensure secure fixing of the bike in strategic places: behind the front wheel, frame and rear wheel. - I am very happy that the project appealed, and the biggest prize will be to see a stand made according to my idea in the urban space - adds Jakub Szczygielski.

- Although Internet users had only three projects to choose from, the choice was not any easier than the decision of the jury to select final works from as many as 193 submitted applications. The designs of the stands were very different, so it was difficult to even predict which one will eventually be made of steel recovered from melted, old stoves - says Sylwia Winiarek, director of communication and local dialogue at ArcelorMittal Poland and a member of the jury. - The season of exchanging furnaces continues, we are still collecting scrap from the old furnaces, which will be used for making stands for Krakow - she adds.

- Now we keep our fingers crossed for the inhabitants of Krakow, who exchange old furnaces replacing them with ecological sources of heat. Here the bill is simple - the more furnaces will be replaced, the more will be used for the production of bike racks - says Paweł Ścigalski, plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Krakow for air quality, who took patronage over the competition. - Kraków, compared to other cities in Poland, is the leader in the fight against smog, and the participation of residents in this process is very important and proves their great commitment to the fight for clean air - he adds.

The competition for the design of the bicycle rack "The Second Life of the Old Stoves" is another element of ArcelorMittal Poland's activities for the low emission reduction program, which is the main cause of the creation of smog in Krakow. For several months, residents of Krakow who exchange old stoves for ecological heat sources receive cash bonuses from the company in the amount of PLN 150. In order to receive such a bonus, it is enough to replace the old furnace with co-financing from the City Hall in Krakow and report to the Krakow steelplant with a special certificate from the magistrate. The first stand made of steel recovered from the collected furnaces will be installed in Krakow on October 24 on the International Day of Bike.

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