Open Door in Automation, Industrial Informatics and Models department. Students visiting Krakow

One of the most obvious truths is that we should invest in young people. They will be shaping the future, which by its definition is unknown. We certainly can have some control over our own development, that is why we educate ourselves, and we share our experiences with other people. However, our actions can be successful only if we can attract others to what we know and to what we have to share with them. Having this in mind, representatives from ArcelorMittal Poland’s Automation, Industrial Informatics and Models Department in cooperation with GEDP, Recruitment and Training Office organized a meeting with students from AGH University of Science and Technology and Cracow University of Technology in Krakow.

During the Open Day of Automation, Industrial Informatics and Models Department students  were introduced to some of our automation projects, which are currently being introduced in the plants by our experienced specialists. Students were given an amazing opportunity to find out what is Industry 4.0. and experience how it changes the business. We hope some of the attendants will sign up for internships we organize for students in our plants and will actively participate in these projects – says Agnieszka Woźniak, head of GEDP, Recruitment and Training at ArcelorMittal Poland.

The full-day visit of students was divided in two parts. The first one, a theoretical part, was attended by around 40 students, who at the beginning of the lecture were introduced to the organizational structure of ArcelorMittal Poland, and provided with information on the departments responsible for automation, programming and the use of the wave of industrial technologies. - Heavy industry and steel sector is rarely associated with modern technologies. We are trying to change this image, as we move with the times and take part in the technological evolution. IT specialists, automation specialists, mechatronics technicians – all of them are welcomed in our organization and they can be sure there are many interesting and satisfying projects waiting for them – said during the lecture Olena Primachova, industrial IT programmer specialist.

Such meetings are truly important since only a few students had a blurry idea of what Industry 4.0 is. A dedicated presentation on that topic dispelled their doubts. They were shown how the virtual reality and how portable devices are introduced to the industry. That this is not a science fiction, but our day-to-day reality. To prove it empirically, lecturers presented them FlexSim simulator, which is used in ArcelorMittal Poland Unit in Krakow for coils transport analysis and GENESIS ACE system to monitor coil yards with automatic overhead cranes. They also found out more about the modern networks, which are being constructed by our specialists.

In the second part of the meeting, students were divided into three groups and introduced consecutively to the smart helmet technology, data analysis based on a dedicated software, modern networks, and the basic safety rules in the industrial environment. Students also visited the new galvanizing line in the cold rolling mill and the hot rolling mill.

The stereotype is that the steel industry is perceived as nothing else than just sparks, fire, steel and smoke. Such initiatives can change this image, and young people can discover that ArcelorMittal Poland is a company with ambitious plans of development, including many fields, for example, automation, programming and modern technologies. Also, the company offers an attractive and transparent career path.  

- Students from Cracow University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology were given an opportunity to find out more about the current vacancies in IT and automation departments, about the programme of internships for students and professional development opportunities in ArcelorMittal Poland – adds Weronika Brzozok, Recruitment and Training Office., ArcelorMittal Poland.

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