Over PLN 3 million ArcelorMittal Poland spent on education and social initiatives in 2018.

From activities to turn cities green to education, sport and culture. Thinking about the youngest and seniors, with social integration in the background - in 2018, ArcelorMittal Poland in all its units allocated over PLN 3 million to support nearly a hundred projects and social activities.

Krakow – green above all

Last year's activities of the Krakow steel plant focused on turning the district green. There is never enough of this in Krakow, and how important it is does not need to be explained to anyone. We supported our closest neighbors the most - the inhabitants of Nowa Huta - encouraging them to joint activities for the surrounding nature. During a family picnic organized in the spring by the Wanda mound with more than a hundred residents and the Municipal Greenery Management, the company managed to clean up the area around the Wanda mound, paint the damaged benches and plant new trees. In December, continuing the action of ordering the Wanda mound, the company planted 1000 bushes there. Planty Bieńczyckie, on the other hand, gained young trees, and the Wadów park - a new, green and ordered face.In the spring, together with residents and the Nowa Huta EcoTravel Foundation, the employees of the Kraków steel plant cleaned also over three hectares of land along the Dłubnia River. - We are most happy to start working closely with ArcelorMittal to create the green Nowa Huta. Joint picnicing and greening of the city is a good direction, but the plant goes even further, showing an innovative approach to the Nowa Huta Lake. The first duck-feeders that they funded in Krakow is a great example that cooperation with urban units can be used creatively and for the benefit of residents - says Piotr Kempf, director of the Board of the City Greenery in Krakow. - ArcelorMittal is a recognizable company in Nowa Huta and it is very good that it has firmly joined in the activities for greenery. We notice this not only us, but it can be seen that the inhabitants also notice it - adds Kempf.

Bicycle stands from old stoves

ArcelorMittal Poland also joined the initative carried out by the City of Krakow as part of the Low Emission Reduction Program. For the liquidation of the old furnace with co-financing from the magistrate, the Krakow steel plant paid PLN 150 and scrapped old furnaces are melted into bicycle racks.- We should all feel responsible for improving air quality. We want to limit our impact on the natural environment, above all through real activities. Since 2004, we have reduced dust emissions by 90% in our steelworks in Kraków, investing PLN 3 billion. We are currently running a PLN 300 million worth modernization of the TAMEH power plant, thanks to which the plant will not use coal. The preparations for the modernization of the steelworks are also advanced - says Sylwia Winiarek, a spokesperson for ArcelorMittal Poland. Financial bonuses have so far reached over 800 residents of Krakow, and the first hundred bicycle stands made from old furnaces were placed in front of 20 Krakow schools.- ArcelorMittal initiative is part of the city's activities consisting in subsidies for exchanging old coal furnaces. Additionally, by buying and melting old stoves the city receives in return bike racks, which, as you can see, are very popular. I think that this is one of the better prepared projects on the city-business line, the beneficiaries of which are Kraków's residents - emphasizes Paweł Ścigalski, plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Kraków for air quality.

Minigrants for activists - from education to sport

ArcelorMittal Poland supports local associations and groups of residents by mini-grant program - "We operate locally." Last year, the company earmarked PLN100,000 thanks to which 10 projects were implemented. - This is our response to the needs of residents by supporting those organizations and associations that operate locally - says Karolina Muza-Adamiec, the head of the ArcelorMittal Poland Business Responsibility Office. - In this year's edition we were very surprised by the variety of presented projects, which cover all age groups of residents and at the same time fit into the objectives of our activities as a socially responsible company: health, safety, education and ecology.

Krakow steel plant again supported the AGH University of Science and Technology last year. - Over the seven editions of the competition, scholarships were awarded to as many as 23 AGH students who, despite their health limitations, demonstrated, among others, scientific, sports and social activities. The total amount of scholarships reached  PLN 150,000.

In 2018, developing the idea of ​​the competition, we directed it to all AGH students who helped their colleagues with disabilities - says Anna Lulek from the Office for Persons with Disabilities at AGH.

There were many more initiatives implemented by the  steel plant, among others Nowa Huta Days, educational and ecological projects of the Cultural Center Norwid, including "Ogrody Nowa Huta" or the annual action "Look into the steelplant" organized by the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow.

Coking plant in Zdzieszowice supported students, firemen and those in need

As much as PLN 100,000 went to three primary schools in Zdzieszowice. In the primary school no. 1 and primary school no. 3, thanks to these funds, laboratories for physics and chemistry were created. Shortly before the end of last year, the coke plant in Zdzieszowice, also gave  PLN 50,000 to 19 residents of Zdzieszowice, who in November lost their apartments in a fire.- Not only in the last year, but also in recent years, the Zdzieszowice coking plant supported many activities important for our community. In any situation, I can count on the help of ArcelorMittal Poland, a perfect example of which is even a quick decision to support the victims in a fire - emphasizes Sybila Zimerman, the mayor of Zdzieszowice. - When funds are needed for kindergartens, nurseries and fire brigades, allowing care for the education and safety of residents, our requests are never without a response and we thank them for that - she adds.

- To constantly develop our facility and educate young people at the highest level, we need modern equipment. Thanks to the coking plant's support last year, we were able to purchase a part of specialist equipment for the chemical laboratory. Without this, achieving the goals that we set up in our school, as well as the high quality of education, would not be possible - emphasizes Małgorzata Nogalska, director of the school in Zdzieszowice. On the other hand, 100,000 PLN from the Zdzieszowice coking plant was a very important in the financing of the modernization of the destroyed road on the Leśnica-Krasowa section in the Strzelce poviat.


Silesia: local activities are included

The best investment is an investment in education and development of children and youth. Following this principle, ArcelorMittal Poland has allocated PLN 50,000 for the construction of a public activity zone in Sławków. One of the schools in Sosnowiec, thanks to the funds provided by ArcelorMittal Poland, was able to equip the language lab. In 2018, once again runners from all over Poland could take part in the XI Dąbrowski Half-marathon ArcelorMittal Poland, for which the company has allocated PLN 50,000. The projects promoting an active lifestyle were also supported by ArcelorMittal Poland minigrant programmes - "We operate locally." This year, the company has allocated PLN 100,000 for the purpose of this project. Following the voice of the neighbors education and sports are important, but for a balance, you also need a sip of culture and time for good entertainment. - The interest in culture among people is definitely increasing. However, an attractive cultural offer costs and an institution such as the Zagłębie Palace of Culture needs external support. There is a huge nod towards our partner, the ArcelorMittal company, thanks to which events such as Dąbrowa Górnicza Days, summer outdoor can gain more valuable image, which is appreciated by the local audience - says Małgorzata Majewska, director of the Zagłębie Palace of Culture. The cooperation with local associations and district social organizations that implement ideas that are close to and needed by their neighbors also brings positive effects. - We value cooperation with ArcelorMittal Poland very much. Last year we managed to implement several projects together, including to green the square. We hope for equally fruitful cooperation in this respect in 2019 - says Zbigniew Masina, plenipotentiary of the Zielony Gołonóg Association.

Remembering the homeless pets

The steel plant in Dąbrowa Górnicza also supports the activities of associations that help homeless animals. - Thanks to this cooperation, we can expand our activity, including support for not only a larger number of needy animals in Sosnowiec, but also helping others in need from other cities in the area - says Aleksandra Szczęśniak, a volunteer. Support was also granted to the educational event "Active Women to Women", during which you could get advice on health, beauty, fashion or cooking, Children's Week in Sosnowiec or Industriada. - Support for residents is measured not only in zlotys. True satisfaction and a sense of wise help is provided only by watching the joy that has been created on the faces of those who have benefited from the funds - sums up Karolina Muza-Adamiec.

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