Bicycle racks made of old stoves will be used by students and tourists

Over 200 bicycle racks, produced from old stoves in Krakow unit of ArcelorMittal Poland, were assembled in campuses and in front of departments of Jagiellonian University, University of Science and Technology (AGH) and in places often visited by residents of Krakow and tourists like Żeromski hospital, bathing beach at Przylasek Rusiecki, picturesque manor house in Branice, where a branch of Museum of Archeology is located or community gardens. Residents who replaced old stoves for ecological heat sources and gave the scrap to the steel plant, received bonuses from ArcelorMittal Poland, which amounted in total to almost PLN 150 000.

Since 2018 steel plant was collecting old stoves which were liquidated thanks to special funds from Krakow city hall. Steel plant paid extra bonuses worth PLN 150 for each stove and used the scrap to produce bicycle racks. The design of bicycle racks was consulted with residents of Krakow in internet poll.  

Last year first batch of over 100  bicycle racks was assembled at 20 schools in Krakow, which were also chosen in the internet polls. Kids and youth may use the bicycle infrastructure which in many places was not satisfactory or was missing.

Students on bikes!

This year another batch of bicycle racks was handed over to the students communities of two biggest universities, where over 70 000 students attend – Jagiellonian University and University of Science and Technology.

We spent over PLN 3 bn in Krakow steel plant for projects which allowed to reduce our  environmental footprint and this is not the end. We do realize the challenge which city of Krakow undertook to eliminate heating sources with the use of solid fuel starting in September this year. That is why we supported the activities of Kraków city hall to reduce low emission. Due to the fact that steel can be endlessly recycled, we could collect old stoves and use steel elements to produce bicycle racks – says Grzegorz Maracha, head of Blast Furnace and Steel shop department in Krakow unit of ArcelorMittal Poland.  

Young people chose bicycle transport more often, but proper infrastructure is very important to them. Departments of these Krakow universities are located in different parts of the city, thanks to bicycle racks students may travel and leave their bicycles in a safe place. After classes they might travel to Jagiellonian Library where our bicycle racks are located as well.

- There are about 30 000 students at our university, major part of which uses bicycle as main means of transport. The need for bicycle infrastructure is huge. Thanks to ArcelorMittal Poland students have 90 new bicycle racks at the campus – says Jakub Kotowski from Students Councils at AGHWe support and promote healthy lifestyle and we do count that this kind of activities will motivate students to sport activities- he adds.

Steel workers, residents, tourists

Bicycle racks will be used not only by students, but also by residents and tourist who will be relaxing at bathing beach at Przylasek Rusiecki, where quite soon a modern recreational center is to be built. People visiting Zeromski hospital might also get there by bike, as well to community gardens in Krakow and to the branch of Museum of Archeology in Branice.

 - Manor house in Branice is out of the way place, that is why many people are coming to us by bike. It is a great place to relax full of local treasures, which can be seen at our museum. Thanks to bicycle racks we can secure small parking for bicycles. It is going to be an extra asset – says Janusz Bober, head of branch of Museum of Racheology in Branice.

 Bicycle racks were also assembled at Krakow unit of ArcelorMittal Poland. They will be used by employees who travel to work by bicycle especially in summer. Out of over 3000 employees of Krakow steel plant there are over 1227 using bicycles.

Under the cooperation with Krakow city hall in the Programme of Reducing Low Emission, ArcelorMittal Poland produced over 350 bicycle racks and paid over 1000 bonuses. Despite the fact that the time to fill in applications for funding to replace heat sources has passed, city hall is still accounting for documents submitted earlier and gives a voucher which entitles a person to collect a special bonus from ArcelorMittal Poland.

- Replacing  coal fueled stoves for ecological sources of heat is a great challenge for our city. Krakow will be a first place in Poland with a complete ban to burn coal and wood. Each support in this matter is extremely important to us as it brings us closer to our aim which is elimination of burning solid fuels. ArcelorMittal by joining in to the program of old stoves replacement not only motivates residents by special bonus but also helped to develop ecological transport by bikes, which contributes to the improvement of air – says Jacek Majchrowski president of Krakow .


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