We awarded proactive students from AGH University of Science and Technology who are “breaking the barriers” to help others

Four students with disabilities from AGH University of Science and Technology were awarded in recognition for their engagement in university life, participation in associations, sport tournaments and voluntary services.

Their outstanding achievements prove that studying is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also personal development, gaining new skills, helping others and exploring new talents and passions!

Magdalena Paruch, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Magdalena Teterycz and Alicja Zawada, Faculty of Humanities and Józef Ignaciak, Faculty od Management – these students are the winners of this year’s edition of “Breaking the barriers” contest organized at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. The competition is dedicated to students with disabilities who commit themselves not only to learning, but also to active social life outside of the university. The winners were awarded with scholarship of PLN 20,000 in total, funded by ArcelorMittal Poland, for their amazing achievements.

At this year’s, sixth edition of the contest organized by ArcelorMittal Poland and the AGH UST Disability Support Office, awards were handed out by Professor Anna Siwik, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and Karolina Muza-Adamiec, Head of Corporate Responsibility, ArcelorMittal Poland.

- Every year, I am waiting impatiently to receive information about students, who were awarded scholarships in “Breaking the barriers” programme. The winners are young people with some disabilities who are living life to the fullest and giving their best efforts. When I read about their achievements, successes and life passions I am sure, that nothing can stop us if we really want to achieve a desired goal. These people are collaborative, helpful and devoted to others by nature. Not expecting anything in return – underlines Karolina Muza-Adamiec, Head of Corporate Responsibility, ArcelorMittal Poland.

- Personally, I am full of admiration for them, for finding the time not only to study, but also to work for the society. I have the impression that Alicja, two Magdas and Józef, who were awarded, do not accept the excuse of “there is no time”. It is truly charming how modest they are – they were all surprised during the award ceremony to receive the recognition – says Karolina Muza-Adamiec, Head of Corporate Responsibility, ArcelorMittal Poland. – Their words and actions confirm my opinion that the “Breaking the barriers” programme should continue, because thanks to people like them ArcelorMittal Poland can support those who are truly in need. This scholarship is an award for their tremendous efforts, despite the barriers life threw at them, and an incentive to pursue all of their passions. In 2018 we will organize the 7th edition and I am already wondering with what ideas our students are going to surprise us next time – she adds.

We sincerely congratulate the winners of this year’s edition and we wish them to be successful in learning and fulfilling their passions.

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