ArcelorMittal Poland suspends recruitment processes

The management committee of ArcelorMittal Poland has taken a decision to stop recruitment and suspend transfer of employees from external companies to the company’s units.

ArcelorMittal Poland informs that due to the planned temporary idling of the primary operations of its Krakow unit, the management committee of the company has decided to stop all external recruitment processes. The company is also suspending transfers of employees from external companies to its units.

Our priority is to find jobs for those employees of our company who will be affected by the temporary idling of blast furnace and steel plant in our Kraków unit - says Monika Roznerska, HR director, member of the management committee. – Along with our social partners – representatives of the largest trade unions in our company we want to work out solutions, which will alleviate the negative effects of the idling.

In the first place employees will be delegated to other jobs – both at the Kraków plant and at other units of ArcelorMittal Poland. – This calls for thorough analyses and then agreements in the scope of i.a. additional trainings or travel arrangements – explains Monika Roznerska. – We would like to work out these solutions as soon as possible, that is why we have started regular meetings with the largest trade unions – she adds.

ArcelorMittal Poland also believes that some of the employees will take up economic unemployment, a solution foreseen in the Labour Code, in situations when an employee[...] is prevented from continuing work due to reasons on the employer’s side. In this case they are entitled to partial remuneration. Remuneration for economic unemployment at ArcelorMittal Poland is paid on the basis of more favourable conditions than those resulting from the Labour Code.  

Last year at ArcelorMittal Poland hired 540 people, including candidates from the external market as well as transfers from external entities rendering services for the company.

ArcelorMittal Poland is planning to temporarily idle the operation of blast furnace and steel plant in Krakow in September this year due to declining demand for steel, higher prices of CO2 allowances, high level of imports from non-EU countries and very high production costs.

ArcelorMittal Poland employs 11,000 people, out of which over 3,000 in Krakow.


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